Published: 2000
Publisher: Heinemann
Paperback: 124 pages
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This book is a part of the series Studies in Economics and Business meant for college undergraduate studies. It examines the nature of Human Resource Management and approaches used to manage the people in UK organizations.
Chapter 1 explains the concept of Human Resource Management and traces its development from 19th century till the dawn of the current millennium.
Chapter 2 shows how approaches to managing people in the work-place have moved on from the top-down techniques to modern day trend of empowering the front-line employees. It also discusses several theoretical ideas about motivating employees.
Chapter 3 focuses on the way in which organizations are increasingly becoming more dependent on human resources as compared to machinery. It also examines the relationship between the new economy (driven by IT and network of links) and the flexible business.
Chapter 4 discusses the macro-planning process followed by medium and large organizations for matching supply and demand of labor.
Chapter 5 examines a range of human resource development issues related to the employment life-cycle in an organization - right from recruitment to separation of employees.
Chapter 6 looks at the linkages between the overall organizational performance , unit level performance and the individual performance. The important role played by performance appraisal in aligning individual and organizational needs are also discussed.
Chapter 7 is concerned with employee relations and shows how these have altered and how Human Resource Management is based on a unitary or managerial approach to relationships within the organization.
Chapter 8 examines important aspects of employment law and other legislations that impacts on the Human Resource Management issue.
The book concludes with asking some questions about the future prospects for Human Resource Management in the 21st century.
I have read and summarized two other books in this series Studies in Economics and Business viz; Markets and Corporate Strategy. While I found them quite informative and interesting, same cannot be said of this book. I found it somewhat outdated and too UK specific especially the chapters on Employee Relations and Employment Law.
I am sure there are better introductory text books on Human Resource Management out there in the market.
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