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This is the first book in the Millennium Trilogy . The other two books are "The Girl who Played with Fire" and "The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest". All the three books are translations from Swedish and have been in Amazons' Top 100 Bestseller lists for several months.
I happened to read the second book in this trilogy "The Girl who Played with Fire" first and had posted my summary in this blog a couple of months ago.
See http://bookwormsrecos.blogspot.com/2010/10/girl-who-played-with-fire.html.
I liked this book better. It is gripping and quite a page-turner till the main mystery regarding a missing woman Harriet Vanger is solved by the main characters Blomkvist and Salander. However after that it drags on for another 100 pages dealing with Wennerstorm affair, in which Blomkvist was implicated in the beginning of the book. Here I lost interest.
Though a fairly good book for light reading and passing time, it has hardly any re-read value and certainly not worth buying in my opinion. However this should not discourage you to click the Buy Button in this post (so that I get my commission from Flipkart) ! Besides Opinions differ !
But I do plan to borrow the final book (.....Hornets' Nest) in the trilogy from a library and read it sometime later this year.
And if you plan to read the complete trilogy, please start with this book. You will be in a better position to understand and appreciate its sequels.
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